How To Transport Your Christmas Tree in OLIVE BRANCH, MS

How To Transport Your Christmas Tree

Build-A-Brand's Blog | How To Transport Your Christmas Tree

For those of us who LOVE a real tree at Christmas, bringing it home can require a bit of effort. The struggle is completely worth it when you get your live tree up and decorated for the holidays. Whether you cut your tree yourself from a tree farm or buy it off a lot, here are some helpful tips to get it home safely.

1. Measure It

First things first! Before you leave your home, measure the height of the room where you plan to put the tree; it should be at least a foot taller than the tree you choose. Measure the width of the area you plan to put your tree as well. Also make sure to measure your car's interior storage area and roof.

2. Wrap It Up

Grab a tarp or blanket! You might need it. Most trees are in covered in netting after you buy them. You should leave this netting on so that the branches stay tightly bundled. If your tree doesn't come with netting, shake the tree to rid it of loose needles, then wrap it in a blanket or tarp.

3. Point It In The Right Direction

You really want to go with the flow on this one! In order to avoid wind damage when transporting a Christmas tree, arrange the tree so that the stump end faces the front of your vehicle and the more narrow tree top is at the back.

4. Tie It Up 

Once you have it on top of your car, secure the tree on the roof rack with rope or bungee cords from where the branches start to its tip.

If your vehicle does not have a roof rack, you should first open all their car doors (not the windows) then bind the tree tightly to the roof with rope or bungee cords.

If the tree you bought extends more than a couple of feet beyond your car's bumpers, tie a reflective flag to the end to alert other drivers.

I hope these tips help get your tree and your car home safely. Contact me if you are ready to get into a new vehicle. I would be honored to help you!

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